The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84415   Message #1561954
Posted By: CarolC
12-Sep-05 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anti-Christian Pogrom in the West Bank
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-Christian Pogrom in the West Bank
Nice snipe, John 'Giok' MacKenzie.

However I did look the word up in the Websters online dictionary before I posted that and this is what it says...

Main Entry: 1po�grom
Pronunciation: 'pO-gr&m, 'p�-; pO-'gr�m, p&-
Function: noun
Etymology: Yiddish, from Russian, literally, devastation

But your own prejudices make you want to automatically assume the worst about me instead of taking time to find out the truth.

Or perhaps you don't regard Yiddish as a real language and therefore only consider the Russian roots of the word to have any linguistic legitimacy.