The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84593   Message #1562208
Posted By: Deckman
12-Sep-05 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: Where have all the 'Greasy Spoons 'gone
Subject: RE: Where have all the 'Greasy Spoons 'gone
It was just one year ago that I discovered "The Blue Beacon," in Aberdeen, Washington, U.S.A. (the northwest corner of our country). I had spent a couple of days at my brother's home. He lives another 30 miles west at the Ocean. Spending any time with my brother is exhausting, and I needed some solid food before my four hour drive home.

I had spotted this place previously, but I'd never entered before. It was after the lunch rush when I staggered in. I say staggered as I was still recovering from my brother's stories, and also because the floor tilted. This is a smallish place, maybe 6 stools and four small booths.

I lurched onto a stool and looked around. There was no one in sight, but soon this obviously tired waitress came out from the back room. She greeted me with, "Well, how the hell are you honey? Are ya hungry?" I started laughing immediatly. I learned a trick many years ago about how to order at these greasy spoons. You NEVER look at the menu.

I asked her if she had eaten lunch yet. She said, "Of course." I said, "O.K. Gimme what you had, please." She looked at me for a minute and started asking the questions: "what kind of toast, do you want the ......"

I said, "Please, just give me what you had for lunch."

Then I heard her shout to the cook, through the hole in the wall, "Louise ... we've got a winner here. Bring it to me again!"

Out came the most delicious fish sandwich, halibut I think, and this large bowl of homemade clam chowder." I swear, I've NEVER tasted better! I can still smell it and taste it. It was like manna from heaven.

As I was enjoying my meal, I was still the only customer, she sat down next to me on a stool with two bottles of dark beer. "Here," she said. "The beers on the house!"

So, if you're ever in the south end of Aberdeen, heading for the beach, I strongly recommend "The Blue Beacon." note, don't ever try to play marbles in there, the floor sags like crazy! CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson P.S. The only better meal I ever had at a greasy spoon was at "The Little Quilcene Cafe," on the Olympic Pennisula ... but thats another story)