The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84593   Message #1562541
Posted By: GUEST,noddy
13-Sep-05 - 05:00 AM
Thread Name: Where have all the 'Greasy Spoons 'gone
Subject: RE: Where have all the 'Greasy Spoons 'gone
Oh yes just remembered this true story.
I was in Pete's Eats some years ago when two Very large men sat down at a table next to me. When I say "Large" I mean in all dimensions they were at least 6 foot 6 tall and built to match. They explained they just had a big day on the mountains and were starving .

ONe ordered a mixed grill and the other went for the speciality "A Big Jim" which was advertised as "if you finish one,.. you get the second one FREE". Many tried many failed. When one is ordered the room goes quiet with expectation.
AS the staff came over carrying a large plate the one who had ordered the BIG JIm looked at the plate and said "Ah! that will be mine"
"NO" said the staff "this is the mixed grill, yours is coming".When he saw the size of the plate and its contents his jaw dropped.
His partner could not finish the mixed grill and needless to say the second free portion was not called for either.

Tea was served in Half pint mugs or pint mugs.

A chip butty takes two to finish.