The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84593   Message #1562551
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
13-Sep-05 - 05:25 AM
Thread Name: Where have all the 'Greasy Spoons 'gone
Subject: RE: Where have all the 'Greasy Spoons 'gone
Healthy equivalent - the restaurant I worked in used to serve a 'beggars' banquet'... a whole round loaf of wholemeal bread (half if it was only for one person), a great hunk of cheddar cheese, a portion of cucumber sticks, a couple of tomatoes, raw carrot sticks, 2 boiled eggs, a big spoonful of pickles and a pint of tea or orange juice with it. Dessert came at the same time and consisted of a couple of apples, plums, apricots or whatever fruit was in season, some grapes and raisins and a flapjack. All this cost £3.50 (but it was 20 years ago) and only one person ever managed to regularly finish the lot.

It grew out of the 'picky plate' that the owner had devised to get her picky son to eat. That was a plate of similar foodstuffs, but in smaller portions, so that he could just nibble at it as he played. It's an idea that I've carried on with Limpit and she loves them.