The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84593   Message #1563562
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
14-Sep-05 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: Where have all the 'Greasy Spoons 'gone
Subject: RE: Where have all the 'Greasy Spoons 'gone
But while I'm harking back to Washington eateries, I always manage to make at least one stop at the Spud in Seattle for a good helping of fish and chips. The chips aren't anything to brag about (the seagulls eat them) but the fish is wonderful. There are two of these restaurants in Seattle, one at Alki in West Seattle (my favorite, the place we would go when my family lived nearby) and one near Greenlake. I think the Alki one tastes better because it's right across the street from the beach. All that salt air.