The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84182   Message #1564152
Posted By: catspaw49
15-Sep-05 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Opening threads - a debate.
Subject: RE: BS: Opening threads - a debate.
I sit here desperately trying to think of a way you could be a bigger asshole Shambles, but I just can't do it.

What's with this freedom of speech bullshit? This is the internet numbnuts! There is no law of free speech on the net, something you'd know if you went anywhere else besides here at the 'Cat. Most sites would have banned your simple ass ages ago and eradicated all of your precious words from their threads.

Shambles says:"It would appear that the need to protect our few obviously out-of-control, anonymous volunteer fellow posters from any embarrassment on our forum - is now more important than accountability and the freedom of expression of all contributors."

Try to get this through the mush that is all that remains of your brain. A site owner chooses the people who are to assist in the daily workings of the website, generally known as Moderators. Moderators are almost always anonymous and use another screen name when performing their duties. The reason is that the site owner takes all responsibility for their actions and all complaints about them should be done by PM with the owner. THAT is the way things function at larger forums and Mudcat qualifies as a large forum. YOU have no reason to know who they are, simply direct complaints to the site owner. At most places, anyone even beginning to launch into a diatribe against a Mod would be banned, at least temporarily, from the forum and the thread deleted. Mudcat tries to be more open and free than most other places and for that you need to say a prayer of thanks. But YOU have no reason to know who did what and when. All you need to know is that if you have a complaint you need to take it to Max via PM.

While I'm at it, I am NOT a "fellow poster" of yours. I try to select even casual acquaintenances who are free of the more serious mental problems and whatever ails your sorry ass is no small thing.
