The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84663   Message #1564767
Posted By: Bobert
15-Sep-05 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: SINSULL's nephew's latest epic.
Subject: RE: BS: SINSULL's nephew's latest epic.
Now listen here, Sullivan, this is yer Uncle Bobert talkin' here an' me and the Wes Ginny Slide rule figgurated that, first, you is a nutball but we ain't gonna holt that aginst ya' frir fear of you ralphin' on us...

But, second, hey, loota old germs in the Smithsonian and a lot more newer ones on the Metro... You din't lick yer seat did ya??? I'm really hopin' the answer to the subway-seat-lickin'-question is a big no 'er we're gonna have to revisit the nutball question... I oves the Metro subway but I never lick the seats...

Well, I weren't half way on to this one when the Wes Ginny Slide Rule come up with a throry behindst the crime scene... It was a combination of the Washington, D.C. heat and humindity, the old germs, the new ones, the barf dream and the airplane...

Heck, I had to ralph a couple times just readin' 'bout it... Might of fact, think I;ll go out back a blow a few crunks before turnin' in... Nuthin' like a good chunk blow before turnin' in fir the night...


Well, Sulli, you sound like my guy 'cept Iz real disappointed that you only ralphed fir two seat in front o' ya'... Heck, if you was of o' olympic quality you'd have 'bout blowed the cabin door to the pilot...

But yer a youngin' and, sniff, I can't holt that against none too much but I'll tell ya this much, fir sure... I'd a' ralphed so hard that it din't only blow the pilot's cabin door down but we'd a' made Newark 15 minutes earlier with the forward momentum..

Sho nuff woulda...

Yer (unbeknownst to you) Uncle Bobert