The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84637   Message #1564931
Posted By: Wilfried Schaum
16-Sep-05 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Flieg, Deutsche Fahne Flieg
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Flieg, Deutsche Fahne Flieg
This idea that nazis and communitsts are equivalent is persistently promoted by the right and lazily accepted by liberals.
Paul - I must contradict. We have seen the "real existing socialism" in East Germany, and what I experienced there when visiting fitted exactly my mother's tales of Nazi Germany. You had only to change the shirts from brown to blue. The mechanisms of a totalitarian state are the same everywhere, and totalitarian a communist state must be in the end - only the communists are owning the ultimate truth.
What you say about the early Russian revolutionarians certainly is true, but so it was with a lot of early national socialists in Germany. Surely nobody knew in advance what should become of the revolution under Stalin, while the readers of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" could know what would happen. But unfortunately only very few undertook the labour to read this book.
BTW, even the revolutionary Russia had its antisemitism. An autonomous rayon for the Jewish minority was granted (Birobidjan) - but at the fringes of Eastern Siberia, with the capital hundreds of miles away (grin).
But the early Red Army had the better fighting songs.