The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84593   Message #1565169
Posted By: Deckman
16-Sep-05 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: Where have all the 'Greasy Spoons 'gone
Subject: RE: Where have all the 'Greasy Spoons 'gone
Back in 1955 (or was it 1855?) I was just outta high school and was heading for the Army that Fall. I figured I'd see a little of America before I started wearing O.D. BVD's.

I aimed for Wissconsin, missed and ended up in Georgia. In the process I drove through Montana ... for days and days and days.

I stopped for breakfast one morning at a little greasy spoon. I ordered "bacon and eggs." The waitress asked: "Do you want a 'rasher' of bacon?" I didn't have a clue what a "rasher" was, but I said "sure." (I was young and I think I saw her wink at me).

Well ... that breakfast of bacon and eggs almost filled the entire table. I think there were four fried eggs, al least a half a loaf of toasted bread, two pounds of hashbrowns, and this "rasher" of bacon.

It seems that in this little Montana burg, a "rasher" was at least three pounds of wonderful. thick sliced, sugar cured and smoked, fried bacon strips. You could tell the bacon was hand sliced from the slab.

I ate for an hour, and left with what bacon I couldn't eat. As I remember, that bacon lasted me clear to Kentucky!!!!