The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84113   Message #1565721
Posted By: Azizi
17-Sep-05 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we anti-Irish?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we anti-Irish?
Like Dani, I've also been following this discussion from the sidelines.

I admit that I know nothing about whether the average English or British person is anti-Irish. Thanks for the discussion. I've found it interesting and enlightening.

If I [as an admitted outsider] might ask, does the "average English" or "average British" includes persons of Caribbean, or persons of continental African descent?

I also wonder if Black British people [excuse the reference if it is wrong] distinquish between one ethnic group of White people or another.

As an African American it has been my experience that for most of us[African Americans]with regard to ethnicity, a White person is a White person is a White person.

Though it is somewhat off topic, let me share that in the mid 1960s I attended a college in New Jersey {United States} and for the first time learned that quite a number of WASP {White Anglo Saxon Protestants} differentiated between Jewish and non-Jewish White people. My first roomate was a blue eyed blond haired German Jewish girl whose last name was Bauman. [I was one of only 3 other Black students. I now 'get' why they roomed me with another "minority" student}. I considered my roomate to be White. I certainly couldn't tell the difference between her and other [non-Jewish Caucasian]females. But I learned quickly from conversations with her, from converations with other [WASPs} students, and from direct observations, that some of the students and some of the faculty/staff definitely were prejudiced against Jewish people. Although I don't remember this as clearly, it is likely that the small Jewish population at that school who stuck together for social support also had prejudices against the WASPs.

But I will never forget that some of these non-Jewish girls would talk [bad] to me about the Jewish students. And I remember thinking to myself that though these WASPs students put on a front, and pretended to accept me and the few other Black students who attended that college, they really didn't really couldn't like me [since I was Black]if they didn't like my White roomate and other White Jewish students.

What a mess this world was then, and [I'm sorry to say] still is today....