The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84743   Message #1566035
Posted By: ET
18-Sep-05 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: DCMS to review licensing
Subject: DCMS to review licensing
The Ministry of Fun (DCMS - Department of Culture Media and Sport) have promised to review the Licensing Act 2003 because the advice they have issued, it is said, shows bias towards pubs and clubs and against objectors, leaving the local authorities with too little discretion. This review will be issued in January, 2 months after the act comes into force. I wonder if they will take the opportunity to review music licensing, eg by adding the word "amplified" to live music thus freeing up acoustic music. I doubt it somehow. They are getting cold feet about freeing up drinking and are now thinking of tightensing controls, not losening them. Any views on how musicians might influence things?