The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84182   Message #1566829
Posted By: Big Mick
20-Sep-05 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Opening threads - a debate.
Subject: RE: BS: Opening threads - a debate.
Exactly, John. The only reason trolls want to know this, is to give them more to bitch about. Trolls play a game of manipulating folks in order to enhance what they see as self worth. They see it as "Look how easy it is to make them dance". When the mod's stay unseen, they don't like it. Pene told me that long ago, right after I revealed that I was a mudelf. I have come to know the wisdom of what he said. It is why I am very disappointed with those that continue to feed this man's need to "make 'em dance". And the one's that should know better most of all, are the one's that are most disappointing. One of the Mudcats earliest and most respected members sent me an email and in it made the comment that "Mudcat has gone to shit". I don't agree, but it certainly is once again suffering. Not because we have sorry individuals who get a perverse enjoyment out of their incessant and obsessive posts. The Internet will always let them get more exposure than they could get in the pre-internet age. But many of these folks that continue to respond are either tilting at windmills (which means they have their own issues), or have a twisted sense of self importance.

Just rambling,
