The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16594   Message #156705
Posted By: Jeri
01-Jan-00 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: very much OS: Suicidal Friend
Subject: RE: very much OS: Suicidal Friend
Peter, I completely agree with you that it takes more strength to ask for help - probably because people think there must be something wrong with them if they can't solve their own problems. On the other hand, the one time I did ask for help, I didn't get it. I knew the people in the Mental Health office on a professional basis. They first thought I was joking, then told me I needed to fill out a rather lengthy questionnaire. I was very stressed at the time, and there I couldn't deal with the red tape and road blocks, so I walked out.

I've been lucky. For me, things always seem to work out. For others, things always seem to go down the crapper. There are undoubtedly a myriad of reasons for the two different perceptions/realities. I think some people lose a feeling of contol, or actual control, over those reasons, and just give up trying.