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Thread #84571   Message #1567075
Posted By: M.Ted
20-Sep-05 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: 911 & The Sport of God (Moyers speech)
Subject: RE: BS: 911 & The Sport of God (Moyers speech)
First off, Bill Moyers is an ordained Baptist Minister, courtesy of the fine folks at the Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary in Forth Worth. And for those who steadfastly claim he has no political agenda, may I remind you that he was Lyndon B. Johnson's Press Secretary, and of of the Architects of "The Great Society"--as well as one of the Kennedy whiz-kids.

He is wholesome, straightforward, and honest, and has a reputation as one of the greatest broadcast journalists of his generation--the heir to Edward R. Murrow--and he has brought the wisdom of the greatest minds of our times to television--at least if you believe his clippings---

Now I am not a conservative--but I don't like Bill Moyer, and I never have. Not because he is a Baptist Minister, Not because I necessarily disagree with his politics, Not because he was part of the administration that bought their social agenda with the Vietnam War(which we can talk about another time), but because I think he is a gladhander and an apple polisher of the worst sort.

He is exactly like the folks that he criticizes, meaning that he knows what his "flock" want to hear, and he tells it to them--just like they want to hear it—even if it requires bending the truth a little bit--

He's the master of Sunday Dinner Philosophy--his "deeply probing" broadcast and written works, on Joseph Campbell and such, are calculated to ask the questions about life that we like to raise after the chicken is done, and before the pie comes out--and like every shrewd minister, he knows better than to raise certain questions with the folks whose offering allow him to continue his good work—

His object is simple—to keep people interested enough to buy the books, watch the programs , and pledge to the PBS stations--