The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16594   Message #156726
Posted By: longhair
01-Jan-00 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: very much OS: Suicidal Friend
Subject: RE: very much OS: Suicidal Friend
Let me also clear up somethings I said that may have been misunderstood. I, like many on here, believe that doctors had out pills willy nilly. I think they script them out to kids way yon more than nessasary, and also to people that just has a case of the blues. I hate taking the meds I'm on, and can promise that if it wasn't a need be thing I wouldn't. I tried all the herbal stuff, St. Johns Wort, plus what ever else they said was good for depression. I've only been fighting this shit for 20 years, so my view on things may be a little jaded. I'm not, nor would I ever claim to be an expert. I'm just relaying info from my own experience and those of some people I know. I got off my meds for 2 years before it came back worse than it ever was. I thought I had it licked, but was just lying to myself. Yes, I agree with Richard that one should be careful when dealing with someone in this mode, but I also cannot see not trying to help.

Jon, I'm glad you're making it w/o drugs, it's good that you seem to have a handle on it. Evidently I could not, it's not anything I'm proud of, but just the way it is. Just keep on fighting the good fight.

Emily, there's been some good info written here, mine might not be included in it, but I hope that something that somebody wrote in this thread you helps you and your friend... longhair