The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84809   Message #1567638
Posted By: Ernest
21-Sep-05 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: Obit - English folk Music.
Subject: RE: Obit - English folk Music.
Reminds me of the story about the Englishman who came home after years of service in India. First thing he does is going to his club. Since it is early in the day there is no one around but a grumpy looking old fellow. Nevertheless our hero asks him if he would join him into a drink. The old guy answers: "No, I don`t drink. Tried it once, didn`t like it.". So the man offers him smoke a cigar together. Answer: "No, I don`t smoke. Tried it once, didn`t like it.". Frustrated the man asks the old guy if he would play a round of billard wit him. Answer: "No, I don`t like it. Tried it once, didn`t like it. But my son is due to arrive soon. He plays billard."
"Your only son, I presume?"