The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84860   Message #1568822
Posted By: GUEST,petr
22-Sep-05 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorists target Western Civilization
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorists target Western Civilization
why should the US (and a couple of other countries) get to have nuclear weapons and no one else? THe answer is that any country that has nuclear weapons cannot be attacked by the US, and thereby threatens the neocons' long term plan of US military dominance, which is why Bush went after IRaq and not NOrth Korea. A fact not lost on Kim Jong Il, which is why N Korea suddenly announced they have the bomb (even though its probably a bluff).

also why the big fuss over Iran, is it a threat just because a muslim country might acquire nuclear weapons? The US is not particularly worried about Pakistan? Even though Musharaf is president (for life) thanks to a military coup. And by the way hes the one who immediately pardoned pakistani physicist AQ Khan the nuclear black marketer, and never allowed the US to even interview him.

oh yeah, and Agent orange whatever its intended purpose- is still responsible for hundreds of deformed babies in Vietnam each year. How would Americans feel if it was their kids that were like that as a result of aerial spraying by an enemy nation?