The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84860   Message #1568847
Posted By: Bobert
22-Sep-05 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorists target Western Civilization
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorists target Western Civilization
Yo, pdq...

Didn't happen to see to much in yer "War 'n Peace" length cut-n-paste that had much to do with the United States providing Saddm with chemicals to use on the iranians, or the pescific intellegence to get them chemicals where the United SDates wanted them delivered...

Do you deny this???

Or Donnie Rumsfelf going to Irag and presenting Saddam, ***after*** he had supposedly gased the Kurds and presented Saddam with a numbetr of gifts from the United States, icluding a gold plated M-16, or whatever gun was presented...

Do you deny this???

Yeah, you wnat to put forth yer little Karl Robe cut-n-paste time line that leaves out lots of, oh, minor details... And then becuase you have so courageously hit what ever button it takes to use up lots of bandwidth with Karl Rove's PR crap you feel all warm and fuzzy since you think, "Ahhhh, I've got 'um now!!!"

Try some independent thought, pal... Other folks cut-n-pastes are less impressin' than watching grass grow...

Hey, I'm sure you have a real mind... Use it and leave the cut-n-paste alone...

Ahhhh, now waht do ***you*** have to say in rsponse to the questions I have asked... Might wanta actually check out what the US did fir Saddam before answering this 'cause you ain't dealing with kids here... Lots of us, including myself, been 'round and rememebr some of the stuffr the US did with Saddam, and it ain't no purdier than what Karl Rove gave you to cut-n-paste...
