The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84860   Message #1568875
Posted By: Bobert
22-Sep-05 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorists target Western Civilization
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorists target Western Civilization
Yeah right. pdq...

Problem is that you wouldn't know if they are facts or not because all you do is just hit a button and transfer someone else's blog to Mudcat...

Have you researched everything found in these so called facts??
I doubt it..

Have you applied independent thinking to these cut'n=pastes??

I doubt it??

Did you answer the questions I asked of you???



I guess yer waiting fir a cut-n=paste reponese...

You are hiding, my friend...

Step out from behind the skirts of yer bloggers...

Hey, I read lots o' stuff including the back pages of the Wsahington Post, which is where the real truth usually get's buried... Been doing it all my life... I know what goes down...

Guess what...

I got 'bout 7000 posts down here in Mudville and have gone up against Teribus, and Troll, and lots of folks and never used one single cut-n-post...

If you can't even argue yer case then stick to above the line and discuss the best tunin' fir "Puff the Magic Dragon"...

No offense intended but if you think that Bush is so wonderful don't be ashamed to blow a horn fir him... Is that askin' too much??

Now, just between you and me why dio you think that Don Rumsfeld went to Iraq after Saddam supposedly gased the Kurds, shook the man's hand, and gave him a bunch of gifts from the then president, Ronnie Reagan???

Any clues...

Won't find 'em in yir cut-n-posts so this may involve some independent research and thought...

Sorry to do it to ya'...
