The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84871   Message #1569808
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Coltman
24-Sep-05 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Sail Away, Ladies
Subject: RE: LYR ADD/Lyr Req: Sail Away Ladies . . .
The Parker & Dodd version has a tune like the Uncle Dave Macon standard, but differs in verses and has a different last line to the chorus. Interesting contrast:

Christmas comin' down the road (3)
Gonna get married, don't you know.

CHO Sail away ladies, sail away, (3)
          God's gonna get you some day.

Cut that wood and pile it high...
Winter's comin' by and by.

Possum up a simmon tree...
Big far sump'm for you and me.

Rub my dog with turpentine...
Now that dog is hard to find.

Cook that bacon good and brown...
Saddle my horse and go to town.

Swing your partner round and round...
Spit your 'backers on the ground.

Tends to suggest that before Uncle Dave did a version so good he put his personal stamp on the song, there were lots of other variants. Most of them sung today, though, seem to follow his version pretty closely.
