The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84860   Message #1570062
Posted By: Bobert
24-Sep-05 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorists target Western Civilization
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorists target Western Civilization
First of all, I'd like to congratulate Mr. Bush on reducing the number of killed day to approximately 100 folks...

But I'd also like to re-issue my challenge to the popster who said that Saddam was at 157 to provide the number that Sddam was killin' on any given day in the six months beofre the USD invasion...

This is what I have been tryin' to point out about statistics... Thay can be very misleading...

Hey, given the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan at the ned of WWII, I'm sure a statistican could paint a stat thjat would look like the US is averaging the killiong of _____ number of Japanese per day???

I would hope that in future disussions that folks would shy away from stats that come to them from sources other than credible sources...

The 157 number is as suspect as the 100 number I threw out for example, though the 100 number is probably closer to being accurate over the time defined from the invasion until today, whereas the Saaddam number seems to just come from no particular time frame...
