The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84915   Message #1570084
Posted By: Bobert
24-Sep-05 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fox News
Subject: BS: Fox News
Okay, I'll confess that I watch Fox News from 10:00 to 11:00 at night so that I can get the sports and weahter and get off to bed early but, hey, these folks got a real agenda... Let me give an example:

Just a few minutes ago they had a story on the 100,000 anitwar demonstrators in Wsahington, D.C. today... Well, there were may 200 pro-war demonsrators... Both got equal time... Like what's this all about... Would they have given equal tiome to the pro-war folks had the number been 100??? 50??? 10???? 3????

Well, when I was part of a major pre-war demonstartion there were 500,00 and maybe 10 pro-warer's and we got maybe 90% but the 10 got the other????

Now, this don't involve no Wes Ginny Slide Rule here... It's obvious that when 200 folks get get as mush media message out on Fox as can 100,000 there's something stinky about the unbiasness of Fox...
