The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16638   Message #157012
Posted By: Margo
02-Jan-00 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: Compulsive Thread Posting-RUGuilty?
Subject: RE: Compulsive Thread Posting-RUGuilty?
You misunderstood, Kat. I am not defending Gargoyle. I am pointing out that you are telling him to think twice before posting so he won't be himself. Yet you are posting with rudeness which is apparently something you don't think is bad. You have set a double standard. I think you're both rude. I never said anything about turning the other cheek. I'm saying that if you can post in whatever style you choose, don't tell him to change himself. Let him rant that all may see he is mad. I find it amusing that you call me politically correct. I am trying to promote a little objectivity. I am saying that Gargoyle's rudeness has been handled poorly and that the rudeness has spread because of it. Margo