The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16638   Message #157040
Posted By: sophocleese
02-Jan-00 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: Compulsive Thread Posting-RUGuilty?
Subject: RE: Compulsive Thread Posting-RUGuilty?
katlaughing I think the joke was a failure. Oh well you tried. You are a hot-tempered, opinionated and prolific poster. You cannot be that without getting flack. Clearly gargoyle pisses you off and despite valiant attempts you aren't able to bless and release in the way that you would like to. Others also react to gargoyle, you're not alone. You have the right to be rude and anybody else has the right to say I don't like your rudeness. If it pisses you off take a walk and realize that you also get far more compliments than most people on this forum.

One thing that has alternately amused and exasperated me are the threads which extoll the virtues and wonderful warmth and caring nature of this Mudcat community contrasted with the rudeness of many posts, and I'm not talking only of gargoyle. The rudeness of anybody reads like a bad taste. It is possible to disagree without being nasty. I often take ages to post when I am moved simply because I be clear in what I say and not hurt others. I only came here in September and don't have the history that others have here, but the view from where I am is that Gargoyle is sporadically rude and vicious and that others are equally arbitrary in their rudeness towards him. Its a dynamic I can't change I simply notice it, but it does mean that I take every comment about the pleasantness of the mudcat with a grain of salt.