The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84949   Message #1570835
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
26-Sep-05 - 09:33 AM
Thread Name: George Papavgeris And The Elgin Marbles
Subject: George Papavgeris And The Elgin Marbles
Dear George, (OK El Greko to all you Mudcatters)

This is especially for you...from the Radio 2 board:

"OK! It's time to return The Elgin Marbles to Greece…but….and this is a big but…BUT the deal is that WE get to keep George Papavgeris! This man is truly a National Treasure, but he is NOT to be put into The British Musuem….Oh No!
George is to be left free to roam our folk clubs and our festivals all over Britain, turning people onto his wonderful songs and his breathtakingly wise lyrics........"

You can read the rest here: Erm...there's quite a lot though!

I'm sorry if I've embarrassed you....but there are some people who have a talent that is so important that you need to spread the word!
I didn't start out to write 2,000 words on just sort of happened, as that is what you're music takes you to a thousand different places!

'Anytown' in particular is wonderful. You see it George, don't you?
You see it all and I am so grateful that you are writing it all down and getting the message out there. My children absorbed every word...they see it too and it worries the heck out of them as they are having to grow up in it.

I had a friend round yesterday and her daughter is 13 years old. We got chatting and it all came tumbling many of her friends are already drinking, how they go clubbing...the club in Sidmouth has 'special' nights for younger children....(Don't get me started or my BP will explode!)....and they have something known as 'The Girly Gang' down here, the leader of which...allegedly goes around with a small knife tucked inside her shirt!!!

Is it me? Have we completely lost the plot in this country?

The week before Folk Week this year a young man was killed in Sidmouth. He was killed with a Samurai sword by someone out of their brain on drink at 2.30am one morning. Even during Folk Week there were gangs of young teenagers over by The Ham, every night, drunk out of their young minds....that too finally ended in a stabbing, but not a fatal one...although the young lad concerned has now lost the feeling in his lower jaw and one of his ears. And this morning I heard on the local news of the death of a 17 year old lad in Taunton who was killed in a drunken brawl last night.....I could go on and on as I'm sure all of you could too.

Oh George, how we need your songs!

Thank you so much for a wonderful gig in you can see it has had quite a profound effect on me.

And if anyone else is reading this who has not heard of George before then you can find him here:

Lizzie :0)