The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84860   Message #1570943
Posted By: GUEST,rarelamb
26-Sep-05 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorists target Western Civilization
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorists target Western Civilization
I have posted that :

-We went to Gulf I to protect oil
-Al Queda attacked the US because we had to maintain bases in Saudi Arabia because of the no fly zones and as a deterrent to Saddam
-We had to take out Saddam because of our bases destabilizing the area
-We should have trusted the market place and business men to use substitute products ( plenty of oil )and conserve.

-We should not have gone into Gulf I

I will now add:

-Environmentalist have killed more US citizens than were killed in Vietnam.
stop the killing

-CAFE standards have killed approximately 2000 people a year since 1975 or 60,000 people. That's blood on the hands of our environmentalists.

Kinda puts US losses in Iraq in perspective doesn't it? My question is where are the Cindy Sheehans of the world to protest this wholesale slaughter of American blood?