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Thread #84915   Message #1571053
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
26-Sep-05 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fox News
Subject: RE: BS: Fox News
It isn't as cut and dry as you try to make it out John.   You almost make it sound as if the government was dictating the content of the media, and that wasn't the case.

I should clarify something. The Fairness Doctrine NEVER meant that broadcasters were REQUIRED to present opposing views on ALL subjects. Stations were required to offer REASONABLE OPPORTUNITY to discuss conflicting views on issues of public importance.   Stations were also required to conduct surveys of their community to determine what these issue were, and then submit the survey along with documentation on how they were addressing the issues with their listeners or viewers.

There was a time when editorials were not even allowed on radio. When the Fairness Doctrine was launched, you only had AM radio stations and the infancy of television and FM.    The Fairness Doctrine was put into place so that interests would not gain control of the airwaves, which were limited at the time.

The Fairness Doctrine was repealed in an age when cable tv, FM radio and AM radio created enormous potential. The thought at the time was it would be impossible for interests to gain control of all the outlets.    The abolishment of the doctrine was widely supported by liberals and conservatives.

I do agree that journalists should not be inhibited by governmental restraints on their reporting.   I don't think anyone really grasped that the conservatives would have a better game plan and much better on-air talent. I saw a report that something like 90% of the talk shows on radio are conservative.   With the stations being bought corporations like Clear Channel, it is become difficult for ALTERNATE views to get a forum.

Again, I'm not a fan of the Fairness Doctrine. I'm not a fan of what has happened to the media in this country. I could care less if a reporter declares himself as a liberal or a conservative, or all the shades in between.    What I do care about is the lack of opportunity to have the PUBLIC airwaves represent the actual PUBLIC.   Big money buys Big Media, and they present programming that serves their consitutents.   There are few voices and outlets that really represent the rest of America.