The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84905   Message #1571365
Posted By: Mr Red
27-Sep-05 - 07:50 AM
Thread Name: Who was Sir Roger Decoverley?
Subject: RE: Who was Sir Roger Decoverley?
this has been on E-Ceilidh at least once to my knowledge -

the dance is in the EDM - 1646 was it? I always assumed it was called Sir Roger de Coverly in that - it pays to KNOW trather than know - dunnit. But I was told the Spectator provenance regarding Sir Roger's grandfather being THE Sir Roger in the dance.

All of the EDM is on the web - what I have seen of pages (and I think it was S R d C) you will have a project on your hands to interpret the jpg - before you decipher the dance notation. Good Luck.