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Thread #84965   Message #1571717
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Sep-05 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: America In Iraq - The Rape Of Dinah
Subject: RE: BS: America In Iraq - The Rape Of Dinah
To imagine that the USA will convert Iraq to "a successful democracy" is ridiculous. The USA does not itself have a successful democracy! It has a totally phony democracy. It is in NO position to go around the World "helping" other people reform their societies.

The USA has a one-party corporate $ySStem masquerading as 2 separate parties and defrauding a largely lobotomized public who mostly wouldn't know real democracy if it bit them on the ass (in my opinion).

As for a legitimate invasion...well, that's tricky to arrange. It's almost as challenging as arranging a legitimate rape. Stalin legitimized rape of a million or more German women in 1945, by giving the green light to his soldiers to get "revenge" on Germany in that particularly despicable there IS some precedent for the notion, if your mind is totally twisted or you're in some state of denial, I suppose.