The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84949   Message #1571831
Posted By: GUEST
28-Sep-05 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: George Papavgeris And The Elgin Marbles
Subject: RE: George Papavgeris And The Elgin Marbles
Hi Nervous....

.....I'm not 'slagging' anyone off my dear. Nor tarnishing anyone's reputation. These things are happening I'm afraid....all over. You can check my words out....and this thread is about George and his songs, in particular 'Anytown' which is talking about exactly the same things that I am.

Check it out on the link above that goes straight to his lyrics.

I also used to live on Dartmoor, before I moved to Sidmouth. We lived right in the centre of the village, overlooking the park and from my bedroom window I watched it all happening. The drunkeness, the fights, the swearing, the dealing! I got so sick of walking through the litter and the broken glass from bottles of alcohol, on my way to school with my children, (they were at school then, before you have another go at me) that I decided to clean it up myself.

Got myself a 'litter picker upper' one of those long-armed gripper things, from the Parish Council and spent months trying to make it look better, but it was a daily job and I had a real insight into what was going on and how much was being drunk.

I appreciate that not all villages on Dartmoor are like this, but mine was and living in the centre of things you become very aware of what's going on.

And the Parish Council? Well yes I tried, believe me, I tried to get them to open their eyes and help, but they felt it more important to talk about whether a Devon Hedge had been returned to its former glory...they spent two hours debating that one day....until I finally flipped and wiped the floor with them! Meanwhile...out on their own streets the kids were drinking themselves senseless....we all need to wake up pretty damn quick to what is going on here!

So....please don't mock what this thread is about, or what is happening in so many of our towns. It's damned important! I have children of 11 and 18 so I know what I'm talking about..for once.

You should be 100% supporting George and his songs, spreading the word about 'Anytown' and not trying to stir up trouble in this thread. George's songs are far too important for you to keep doing this.

Get out there and try and change things...then you may end up slightly less 'nervous' than when you came in here!

Oh..and if you want to have a go about Siddy...go onto the Siddy thread and take a swipe at me over there.

Tell you what though, I tell the may not like what you hear but those things above have happened in my town and elsewhere and it breaks my heart...but not as badly as the poor Sidmouth lady who lost her son just before Folk Week, that's who all those flowers
were for just by the Chinese Restaurant....perhaps you saw them....perhaps not....some very tender things were said about that young man by his friends and family. But you know, the really dreadful thing is that it should never have happened should it?

And now...once more...back to George, his songs and 'Anytown'


Lizzie :0)