The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84990   Message #1572166
Posted By: Tam the man
29-Sep-05 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wolfgang thrown out!!
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfgang thrown out!!
Good on them both for standing up for the real people of the country and giving the New Labour old Tory party a boot in the nuts that's if they have any.

I was reading in a paper where a young girl was arrested for wearing a t-shirt that said BOLLOCKS TO BLAIR the police then had to let her go as long as she covered it up, obverisly a terrorist, the same as they said about the guy that told to stewards not to throw Wolfgang out.

I mean why are these arseholes police, I forgot you ahve to be an arsehole to join the Police well some of them are.
