The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83714   Message #1572303
Posted By: Genie
29-Sep-05 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: SUNNYCAMP 2005
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
BTW, Mary,
I can bring my 2 large air pots for coffee (one for decaf and one for regular), so brewed coffee can be kept hot without leaving the pot on the burner.   I'll call you about details.

I'll also bring some of my homemade grapes (Niagaras and purple Concords). Some will get eaten during the camp, but people can also take some home with them if they like.

I will bring 2 or 3 jars of salsa, some fancy vinegar, and some soup makings for Friday night.   

Does the facility have a microwave?   A coffee brewer (as opposed to a percolator)?   
