The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85030   Message #1572784
Posted By: *daylia*
30-Sep-05 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dental Surgery
Subject: BS: Dental Surgery
I'm wondering ... does anyone here have any experience with surgically "re-doing" a root canal? Do the results last long enough to be the worth the pain and expense?

Unfortunately, life haven't given me much reason to trust dentists, and I've tried a few different ones over the years. They all seem only too happy to have you spend $$$$$ over and over again on the same tooth. And every time you allow them to drill / fill / bore through you, your tooth (or teeth) plus the surrounding bone and tissue weaken, becoming even more fragile. Until finally, megabucks and much suffering later, they'll quite happily yank it for you (for another $100 or so of course). But, of course, dentists don't tell you any of this beforehand. Experience eventually does.

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself right now. Poor me poor me .... I look like an alien laid this big egg inside my jaw last night ... and it's aching right up into my ear ... and I had to go on antibiotics yesterday which make me feel nauseous (but's that's ok cuz I can't eat much of anything right now anyway). I don't know what to do. I wish I could but I just can't seem to drum up any trust in what the 'experts' tell me. And I don't know anyone who's had a root canal surgically re-done. So I'd sure like to hear a few success stories before I consent!

Thanking you all very much in advance, even if it's just for 'listening' ...
