The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85030   Message #1573287
Posted By: *daylia*
01-Oct-05 - 07:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dental Surgery
Subject: RE: BS: Dental Surgery
Janine, thanks so much for the expertise, (You must be a dental nurse or technician or assistant ... or maybe even a *shiver shiver* DENTIST, right? ;-) ANd thanks SINS for the understanding and reassurance and to you too, Doc Bobert, for the invitation! Sheesh I'm having SUCH a hard time turning that one down    ;-)

Janine you're so right about sudden flare ups when the immune system is not up to par. I know I've been stressed out for the last few weeks re new work scheduling and family concerns ... that plus my 40 odd little music students and their back-to-school sniffles and sneezes all over my piano for hours every day. The last time an abscess flared up (different tooth, same year yuk yuk) it was under similar stressful circumstances (in the middle of moving my studio and my parents to a new location. + my youngest son quitting college and moving thousands of miles away alone ....)

But ... things are looking up! Still in pain but that alien must have hatched a bit last night. My face is almost back to normal porportions this morning yippeeeee!! Besides, jimmyt and I have been really bashing it out. We've been merrily "to doing" all over one another's PMs all night long. Aren't you proud, gnu?   What a GREAT stress reliever!    ;-)   ;-)

Seriously though, I REALLY didn't expect to find a kind-hearted, understanding and helpful (not to mention forgiving!) endodontist right here on Mudcat - so thank you SO VERY MUCH jimmy! I've been going over your last message overnight in detail, and I'll get back to you shortly.

This place is so wonderful and I am so lucky! Seems you can find anything you need here, and the people are so generous and informed ... so thank you to the Mudcat too!