The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16638   Message #157382
Posted By: Rosebrook
03-Jan-00 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: Compulsive Thread Posting-RUGuilty?
Subject: RE: Compulsive Thread Posting-RUGuilty?
Thank you, Joe. You've well expressed what I have felt for a long time.

I guess my earlier post in this thread was a feeble attempt at trying to gently say something similar. I still don't get it, the double standard for thread appropriateness, and being shouted at doesn't help me get it.

I also echo your sentiments about the Mudcat Healing Circle. I have been uncomfortable with that. But not because of the content - I, too participate in earth-centered religious rituals and ceremonies - but because I am not in favor of in-your-face approaches to any religious activities. I understand that those threads are clearly marked and I don't have to read them, but anyone coming to the Mudcat Cafe who reads this forum board is faced with those thread titles. It is a representation of religious activity on this forum. And it is offensive - just as ANY religious activity would be.

The basis for the post - encouraging us all to post kindly and appropriately - is a good idea. And I disagree, I don't think that it is a joke.
