The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85030   Message #1574072
Posted By: *daylia*
02-Oct-05 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dental Surgery
Subject: RE: BS: Dental Surgery
Jeri, great story! Yup, fear + , in my case, consenting to expensive procedures without understanding fully WHY I needed them just makes a difficult situation worse. Better to insist on that extra few minutes for a heart-to-heart discussion with the dentist first, in spite of time constraints, than to harbour doubts, suspicions and hard feelings for years.   Jimmyt and I have established that without a doubt!

And you're right. With the exception of the torturous, unsanitary, ill-advised and unnecessary (honestly, that's no exaggeration!) orthodontic procedures and devices I endured for years as a child, when that particular "science" was new back in the 60's - NO dental procedure I've ever undergone caused as much pain and grief as the couple abcessed teeth I've experienced this year.   


Besides, I looked up the history of dentistry in Canada yesterday. Before 1815 there were no dentists at all in Ontario. "Dentistry" was practiced by barbers and blacksmiths back then, believe it or not! I then perused a few articles about historical dental procedures (did you know they used LEAD to fill teeth - without anaesthetic of course - in days gone by?) After all that, well, I've decided that today's dental offices et al are NOT exactly torture chambers after all.

ANd yeah, the average dentist today is probably not a money-grubbing sadist either (although I think I HAVE met at least one of those in my time!) So why bitch about the expense, considering the years and years of specialized education and training required, not to mention the cost of setting up a well-equipped dental office ... ooo Doc Bobert illustrates that point very well, don't he!

So please Janine, you sound like a wonderful, caring practitioner to me! I regret sounding so grumpy earlier. :-(   Pain and fear can have that effect on me, so please don't take it personally.

And yeah, dentistry and having babies are pretty comparable. But I'd rather undergo either today than, say, 20 or 30 or 100 years ago!   Plus, a baby is ultimately more expensive - and rewarding! - in the long run,

Thanking you all for the best wishes, information and pain-relieving humour too,
