The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3063   Message #15745
Posted By: Tim Jaques
04-Nov-97 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: Work Songs & Labor Movement
Subject: RE: Work Songs & Labor Movement
"The Man Who Waters The Workers' Beer"? Is that a song? I'd love to hear it. Ten-times cursed be all such men, worse even than scabs and Savings-And-Loan executives!

Has no-one mentioned "Working Joe", by Stan Rogers?

"Hangin' Around", by Buddy and The Boys from Cape Breton, is another nomination for songs about being out of work. The LP, I am informed, will soon be released on CD. They also did "Workin' At The Woolco Manager Trainee Blues" I can't remember all the words to the latter song but it began:

Workin' at the Woolco, manager trainee
Dollar forty-four day, in houseware 'round three
I was taking out the Bic pens, when they opened up the doors
A stampede of crazy ladies, they knocked me to the floor

Last week I was in hardware, this week I'm in shoes
I've got the workin' at the Woolco, manager trainee blues