The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16638   Message #157450
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
03-Jan-00 - 02:14 PM
Thread Name: Compulsive Thread Posting-RUGuilty?
Subject: RE: Compulsive Thread Posting-RUGuilty?
What we are seeing is the emergence of several self-appointed policemen in this Forum, whose sworn duty is to determine what is and isn't an acceptable subject for the Mudcat. If they have been deputized by Max, I am not aware of it. Could I please see your badge,Officer?

Neil's thread on Bobby Sands had little to do with Folk Music, though there were some half-hearted attempts at linking it to Bobby's song-writing, but it is in my opinion one of the best threads to come down the Mudcat pike in some time. Would the Forum Police have quashed this excellent discussion?

I have had a pretty high opinion of Joe Offer's view and statements in the past, but when he makes a statement like "the person who posted this thread had nothing to do on New Years and to bolster her own ego attempted to start a flame war" and other pieces of nastiness, I wonder that he would then have the nerve to tell her " if you want to learn something about folk music, stick around.If not go away." Again sir, may we see your badge?

I don't agree with all of Katlaughing's postings, but I believe she is a vital part of this community. I have never known her to lash out at someone, unless that someone took a swing at her first. And furthermore, I believe this Forum is a venue for the free exchange of ideas, and that music is the basis, but not the sum total of it's Reason for Being. To make attempts to threaten or coerce participants into abiding by THEIR rigid concept of what it should be poses a greater to the Mudcat than any bs or healing circle thread.