The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85030   Message #1574596
Posted By: jimmyt
03-Oct-05 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dental Surgery
Subject: RE: BS: Dental Surgery

The problem is you have no idea what sorts of problems you would have encountered if you HADN'T had orthodontics. Experience tells me that I see way more problems that have developed in 40 year old mouths that have bad bites and incorrect relationships with the teeth than I ever do with people who have been treated with braces.

I recommend braces to people who I feel the benefits far outweigh the risks. I can only assume your orthodontist did the same.

There are plenty of people out there who need dental work and only an unscrupulous healthcare provider is doing unnecessary treatment. Maybe you were one of those people, but unfortunately patients are frequently not in a position to know what kind of orthodontic work is necessary as the analysis of the developing dentition is pretty darn complex and requires a lot of mathematical calculations that go on behind the scenes. Patients are never aware of the time it takes to figure out this stuff.

Teeth get loose from orthodontics. By virtue of the fact that they are being moved, they have to be loose. They always tighten back up when the treatment is discontinued.

If you had periodontal problems when your braces were removed, it is most likely related to bacteria left untouched between your teeth for extended periods. SOrry, but again, flossing is the way to prevent this or to treat it once it develops. I cannot remember a teenager who came oout of braces who had periodontal conditions that could not be easily corrected by good old fashioned oral hygiene with a toothbrush and floss.

SOrry you have had such a difficult time with dentistry, but the real story is you have had a difficult time with your teeth. By and large, it seems that your dentists have been trying to help solve problems related to disease in your teeth, not create problems.

Carole C I have seen hundreds of gold crowns next to amalgam fillings with no effects whatsoever. I have seen on RARE occasions a few cases where there is a micro-charge generated by what is called galvinism. In your case, the dentist was ethical enough to correct this problem. I have a bridge in my mouth right now that is gold and touching silver fillings. It is very much the standard of care.