The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85030   Message #1574715
Posted By: CarolC
03-Oct-05 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dental Surgery
Subject: RE: BS: Dental Surgery
jimmyt, I had to fight him tooth and nail for it. He really didn't want to do it. But he never warned me of the possibility, and I had told him ahead of time that I am extremely sensitive to all kinds of things, and that I was concerned about having a gold crown put in. He had to take it out and refund my money because he neglected to tell me of the possible side effects.

But jimmy's right about the orthodontics, daylia. I didn't have braces and should have. Most of the dental problems I have experienced were because I needed braces and never had them. You ought to try dipping your dental floss in tea tree oil before using it. If I don't do that, I get gum infections, too. But the tea tree oil has been very reliable in preventing gum infections since I started using it. If I floss without the tea tree oil, I get gum infections from the dental floss pushing bacteria up under my gums.