The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85030   Message #1574765
Posted By: *daylia*
03-Oct-05 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dental Surgery
Subject: RE: BS: Dental Surgery
Lip-"Bumper"!   LOLOL! Not a torture device? Well, it's rather obvious you never wore one!

They don't "bump", jimmy, they slice! They dig in and cause a permanent, infected, sore, swollen, and yes torturous lesion. Not to mention the psychological/mental trauma caused by any form of 'torture'. I know. I wore one!

I wonder how many of those would sell if they were marketed to parents, or patients as the "Lip-Slicers" that they really are?

For the sake of all kids today, I do hope they've at least designed a more humane, effective and sanitary torture device - ie one that doesn't cut into the children every time they try to speak or drink from the fountain at school. ANd one that has an antibiotic-releasing tip to counteract the inevitable infection and inflammation caused by the chronic lesion in the tender, sensitive, vulnerable soft tissues of the inner lip.