The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16638   Message #157481
Posted By: Áine
03-Jan-00 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: Compulsive Thread Posting-RUGuilty?
Subject: RE: Compulsive Thread Posting-RUGuilty?
There once was a poster named Kat
Always saying something 'bout this and that
Sometimes she shouted
Sometimes she pouted
But all her friends loved her like that

I thought it was about time to lighten up on 'tsk-tsking' going on around here -- It was that, or tell some of you to take a short walk on a long pier and go fish for a sense of humour, while the rest of us wait here with big fluffy warm towels to dry you off and take you to dinner.

We *all* have good days and bad days, and days when someone doesn't a joke we tell . . . So, can we *all* keep a little bit of spirit of this season of renewal and hope and put off pointing at each other for being different from each other?

All of you who have posted so far on this thread have valid viewpoints -- instead of looking for a way of dividing us, why don't we look for a way of uniting us?

Take it easy, but take it -- Áine