The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82580   Message #1575223
Posted By: GUEST,Rosie
04-Oct-05 - 02:17 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Kilbogie (from Old Blind Dogs)
Subject: Lyr Add: KILBOGIE (from Old Blind Dogs)
Hey Doug! I'm a HUGE Dogs fan myself. Ian can be confounding to translate sometimes, bless his Doric-singin' heart! Maybe this'll help you rest:

Fen it's first tae tha Heilan's they cam
There wis nothin' there fittin' for a lady
There was naebody there tae welcome her hame
But an auld cankered carl and an auld doitered wifey

Well tha teen he ca'd her Lawlan Jean
An' tha tither she ca'd her Lawlan Jennie
But she's ca'd them a far better thing
It's ma' Heilan daddy an' ma' Heilan mamie

Translation: (from The Scots Dialect Dictionary, by Alexander Warrack)

cankered: cranky
carl: an old man
doitered: feeble minded from old-age
teen: the one
tither: the other
mamie: adopted/foster mother

I'm pretty good for Scots translation, so if you have any more (I love a challenge) Cheerio, Rosie