The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16723   Message #157566
Posted By: InOBU
03-Jan-00 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: Where can one post concert notices?
Subject: RE: Where can one post concert notices?
Hey Soph - ol chum...
Samwedges to Bagatelle? It is a restaurant and Bar, so I think the owner Joe might prefer you avail yourself of his wonderful kitchen, where I may recomend the shepards pie, or fish and chips, and for the health conscious, the salads are wonderful, espcially a delicate seasoned broiled chicken and sesame salad, NOT THAT THIS IS AN ADVERT, but the food and music makes for a wonderful evening of Traditional music and food...
Where? Bagatelle Wendsgay Nights... 12 Saint Marks Place NYC 8PM of course!
All the best, enjoy the samwedge