The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16666   Message #157582
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
03-Jan-00 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: 2000 Mudcat Music Question! (really)
Subject: RE: 2000 Mudcat Music Question! (really)
I like the idea of the strumstick. It is basically an Appalachian stripped down to a tiny soundboard. Like the AD, it is nearly impossible to play one badly if you can tune it. It isn't hard to tune. You can get as complicated as you want with it: alternate tunings, chords, etc.)

I was happy to hit the House of Musical Traditions (local to Washington, D.C./Takoma Park) web site and find a bargain price for it. The price includes a carrying case (more like a carrying sheath). < a href=>CLICK HERE and look for the strumstick under string suggestions.

Since we're talking about backpacking here, this instrument can stow just about anywhere in the pack. Mine is about 31" long in the case. The widest end is about 6 and 1/2" and quickly tapers to 2 and 1/2". If feels like a toy, but is pretty rugged.

My next suggestion would be the Kalimba. Go to the House of Musical Traditions site and look under Percussion suggestions. This instrument has nice tonal qualities for individual accompaniment. It is pretty rugged and again you can start easy and get complicated later.

You know, it's threads like this that I really like. Where else could you sample so many opinions and so much personal experience. Roger in Baltimore