The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16638   Message #157610
Posted By: DougR
03-Jan-00 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: Compulsive Thread Posting-RUGuilty?
Subject: RE: Compulsive Thread Posting-RUGuilty?
Jon: It's just that I've seen this discussed so much since I have been dropping in to the Mudcat, I seriously doubt it will ever be resolved. People are taking sides and I'm not convinced people on either side will ever change their position. As long as folks can type and Max and Dick set no ground rules, they are going to post whatever they want to.

I guess I fall into the middle too. I enjoy some BS threads and most music threads. If I'm not interested in a Thread, I just move on.

I really hate to see folks that I think are basically interested in the same thing and are good folks go at each other as has happend on this Thread.
