The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16470   Message #157615
Posted By: Mick Lowe
03-Jan-00 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'I remember the day I was christened...'
Subject: RE: Can you Id this tune
A thousand thanks.. that's one series of books I never bothered to buy because most of the material I already had in other volumes.. okay call me mean, but I hate forking out hard earned cash on a book where you are only going to get one new song at best..
Mary.. I do indeed know who you love, as indeed I know you know who my true affections lie with, we are fortunate in being able to share such confidences with each other..
Margo, I hope it was the reference to the "menage le trois" you thought kinky, as opposed to my love for you and not wishing to dilute it in anyway, I should add to all the wonderful people here on the mudcat.. though I may get you to explain more re the nautical reference.. are you hiding more than you're telling?..
And Sophocleese I could hear the "stage directions" in your "voice".. a long and prosperous career in the art of acting awaits you.. if you're not already involved even at the amateur dramatics level.. believe me.. you need to be treading the stage.. as indeed we all do, if only we knew it... Life is but one major play..
I'm glad I have such a strong cast around me here on the cat..
I wish you all the best of best of New Years and hope all your dreams and wishes come true..