The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84820   Message #1576227
Posted By: HipflaskAndy
05-Oct-05 - 03:50 AM
Thread Name: Ingleton Folk W/end- Who's Going?
Subject: RE: Ingleton Folk W/end- Who's Going?
Hi Moor-Man - surprised you couldn't hear it from there!
ne'er mind, next time eh?
Smoke, yep, it's a real problem in some places.
Thankfully we were in the fresh air that aft.
I was a bit nervous about going back into a pub again that day.
Earlier, just after a limbering-up liquid lunch, Steve and I left a town centre pub to go and set up.
I was MOST surprised to be set upon by a large black dog! A Rotweiller? (sp?).
Somewhat shaken, I was off down the street (displaying a large yellow streak down my back) at a right old rate of knots!
I'm just VERY glad it got more of the heel of my trainer than my actual foot!
Dangerous things these pubs!
Didn't prevent me bouncing around onstage as normal tho'.
What an old stager! Cheers - HFA