The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16476   Message #157710
Posted By: Gary T
03-Jan-00 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Drunk Driver/Wild Rover
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Drunk Driver/Wild Rover
Thank you, Bob, we appreciate your helpfulness and look forward to seeing "Wild Driver".

I'm afraid I don't recognize your name, so it may be a different Gary T you're thinking of. I gather you're in Australia from the reference to Sidney and the use of "ring" where I'm accustomed to "phone" here in the U.S. (I'm in Kansas City, Missouri). Now if it turns out I do know you, boy am I going to be embarassed!

The particular song I heard was pretty much all about driving while under the influence. I heard it from an Irish lady whom I met while canoeing and camping on the Eleven Point River in southeastern Missouri in September '98. She and her companions (1 person, 2 dogs) were kind enough to join our group's campfire sing one evening when we had stopped to camp (on the riverbank, carrying gear in our canoes) rather closer to them than one would normally like. People camping this way are generally looking for a bit of isolation, and try to keep a certain amount of space between each other's campsites, but our group was tired and feared not finding another good spot before dark, so we squeezed their "space" a bit. I think it turned out all right, though, as everyone seemed to enjoy the conversation and music that evening. I remember we were all cracking up at the song. I assumed it came from Ireland.