The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85228   Message #1577914
Posted By: Skipjack K8
07-Oct-05 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wahts a creed?
Subject: RE: BS: Wahts a creed?
Ah, jOhn, we connect at every level, one minute discussing how many social diseases might be exchanged at the Adelphi, the next discussing your creed. As Susan correctly points out, Anglicans subscribe to the Nicene Creed, but this is the basic precept of the Roman Catholic church, as the doctrine contained therein was agreed at the Council of Nicea in 323AD, long before any schism, popes in Avignon, orthodoxy or Martin Luther.

Nicea was an interesting political fix. Emperor Constantine had just seized power, and being the first Christian emperor of Rome, ended nearly three centuries of official Christian persecution. The wording of the Nicene Creed teaches that the Son is of one with the Father, which put paid to the 'heretical' doctrine of a priest in Alexandria called Arius, who maintained that the Father begat the Son, therefore the Son had a beginning, and had not existed with the Father for all time.

This may seem a small doctrinal difference, but these issues were very much a matter of life and death throughout the history of organised religion, and have fuelled the mockery by those that wish to pull down the Church of Christ, whatever its hue.

Just put down C of E, mate.